Today I'm going to take you on an educational tour of an American's kitchen in Kenya. It's taken a few days to settle in, but now that we've secured a healthy supply of ramen noodles and discovered that our gas oven is, in fact, electric, this kitchen's looking pretty darn homey.
Well, some things are the same no matter what continent you're on. Dishes on dishes on dishes! |
An assortment of high-end drinks and the cheapest liquor that shillings can buy. College alcoholism is like a box of chocolates; you never know if you're going to get the shitty whiskey or the classy vodka. A good mixer is your best investment. |
Leftovers from last night's milkshakes. Oh, don't touch the metal part of the blender. It'll electrocute you. Wondering how I learned that? Ask my tingling fingertips. |
Right now, you may be wondering, "Why do you have TWO huge jars of peanut butter? And why are they both crunchy?" If you even have to ask that question, you are obviously too old to remember college. |
The girls' side of the cabinet: Popcorn, crackers, ramen, oatmeal, nutella |
The boys' side of the cabinet: Ramen, oatmeal, boxed milk (yes, boxed milk that apparently you don't have to refrigerate -- or do you?), cereal, rice |
The deli drawer of the fridge. Right now, you may be also be wondering, "Why do you have FOUR different packages of cheese? Who needs that much cheese?" To that, I would answer, "Because we used up two of the other kinds for dinner last night, and we're heading to the store to restock because four cheeses is never quite enough." |
I wonder whose corner of the kitchen counter this is? Whoever it is, I think we'd be great friends. |
This goes against every go-green eco-friendly save-the-whales campaign I've ever heard... but us poor mzungus in Kenya just can't handle the tap water! And the fancy water pump is pretty fun to use, too. |
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